Monday, April 9, 2007

Welcome to Supermarket 101

Welcome to Supermarket 101. The only blog that will deal in educating the consumers of Australia.

People are stupid, and shoppers are worse. I work for a major Supermarket in Australia, and every day I encounter hundreds of stupid customers that don't know anything about anything, yet they will act as if they know EVERYTHING. This not only annoys me, but it annoys many in retail.

Just because the customer is always right, doesn't mean they are correct.

So now you know why I am making this blog, you want to know how I will go about educating the people? I am glad you asked.

Each new post will deal with a aspect of shopping in a supermarket. I will feature features that appear in the major supermakets in Australia. Everything from proper usage of the Green bags (which not only are great for the enviroment, but annoying for checkout staff, and the next customers in line), to how to read a special tickets and how to identify the product that it is advertising.

I also intend on making this blog an open forum for customers and retail staff to "clash" head to head. Also in the interest of being "fair", I will point out areas where the customer is right.

Again, welcome to Supermarket 101. Stay tuned for the first post regarding Green Bags, and please, tell all your friends, family and co-workers about this new and blod site that will no doubt piss alot of people off. And on that note, this site may feature strong language and may not be suitable for young people. (That said, its the older folk that are set in their ways and are the idiots that need re-educating.)

Lots of Love,
The 101


Chikory said...

Consider yourself linked :o) How can I not support this public service? It would just be a crime on my part!

catlick said...

eggs zachary!