Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Ninja is visiting YOUR store today!

Back from a well deserved break, the Ninja is back, kicking in the heads of Australia's idiot consumers.

Now, today, I bring to you, my rant on price changes. It is reported today that 32 percent of 282 Supermarkets and Grocers in Queensland were fined for over charging the consumer, or more to the point, over charging The Office of Fair Traiding.

Now, I am all for dishing out fines for businesses that knowingly, and willingly rip-off the customer, but what makes me a un-happy camper is when the customer attacks a business for a honest mistake, even if the gets them the item for free.

Toby Tortoise of Melbourne writes:

The Supermarket Scanning Code of Practice is a voluntary code, not a law. Bilo, Coles, Woolies and Franklins all agreed to it, and it is good business to them if it attracts customers from other retailers. If I remember correctly, they will give you one item free if it scans higher than the shelf price, and if you have a lot of them you get the rest at the correct price.

Posted at 2:45pm today

Now this is true, the code is voluntary. If you go into, say a IGA, or a corner store, and you are over charged, fuck you are unlucky. Don't shop there again. When I mean over chaged, I mean by the ticketed price, not what you want the item for. If you go into Woolworths, or Coles, you will get the first item for free, and the others with the same barcode at the "cheaper" price.

As I like to say, shop with your brain, then your feet. Clearly if you are paying too much for 600ml of Coke at a Mum and Dad store, then you are either doing that to support the small business, or you are so stupid, you have a manual on how to breath in your purse.

Talking about idiots, read what this asshole said.

Jay of Sydney writes:

Apart from price rip-off, some supermarkets try to confuse shoppers by not indicating if a price flag on the aisle is for an item above or below. Because of this some shoppers may end up purchasing more expensive item then what they intended to. Often you come across price tabs missing or put in the wrong place. All this may cost extra dollars for shoopers at the checkout. Sometimes the electronic price display at the checkout is not turned towards customers, so shoppers may not know what price the machine hsa scanned. Also supermarkets take advantage of shoppers' impatience to spend additional time standing in the queue. While shoppers may tend to spend lots of time choosing products, they usually dislike spending time in the queue, so they pay whatever the checkout operator says and get out as quickly as possible. Which is probabaly what supermarkets want.

Posted at 2:49pm today

WHAT THE FUCK? You can't work out if the "tab" is for the item above or below it? I bet you need instructions on how to live every day. FUCK.

It is pretty simple really. So FUCKING simple that I will make it today's 101.


This shopping is to hard, I don't know if this price is for the item above or below it.

Step 1: Read the fucking ticket. At Woolworths, this contains the NAME of the item, and its PRICE (there are some other numbers and a barcode, but these are for our internal systems. The barcode on the price ticket WILL NOT scan at the registers.)

Step 2: Look above or below the price. If the ticket says "Heinz Baked Beans 110g $4.99" and the fucking item is below the ticket, then HORRAY YOU FOUND IT! How ever, this could be the 400g can. Which takes me to..

Step 3: Read the fucking product label. If the product below says that it is "Heinz Baked Beans" but the size is different, and nowhere on the lable it says you get a bonus amount for free, then it is not the ITEM BELOW. Look above, and if that then matches. HOORAY! Go sign up for NASA fucktard! You will find that in most supermarkets the price is below the item.

OR THE PRICE IS ATTACHED TO THE PHYSICAL SHELF THAT THE ITEM IS SITTING ON. That means if the price isn't touching the shelf, then its not that products price.


Sadly, I fear that there will always be idiots like this Jay character that basically needs to pick up a shopping assistant when they pick up a trolley.

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