Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I google for supermaket specials and all I get is this stupid site.

That is because YOU are stupid.

Don't worry, Supermarket Ninja is here to help the idiots of the world, and if you got here cause you want a Woolworths/Safeway/Coles/Liquorland catalog, then you are too stupid to go to that retailers website to obtain one.

Fucking idiot. You should jump in front of a car now.

No don't, you will cause the poor sucker that hits you too much paper work, and I don't want them to suffer.

So rather than killing yourself and passing you stupid values and experiences on to offspring, I am going to teach you how to use the internet.

Internet 101

You want a Safeway catalog, because you have a sign on your mailbox that says you don't want junk mail. Well you would go to google.com.au and search for "Safeway Catalog". Then you look for the link to woolworths.com.au and there you have it.

But I take it that is too hard for you still. So I will do the fucking hard work for you.

Woolworths, Safeway, and their Liquor department specials can be found here - http://www.woolworths.com.au/weeklyspecials/

To use, select the state you are in, and what store is closest to you.

For Coles and Liquorland, you can goto http://www.coles.com.au/about/catalogues/.

You can search by suburb or postcode.

And now the hot tip.

Hot Tip

If you are one of the many idiots that have a "No Junk Mail" sign on your mailbox, but still want a catalog every week, then did you know Woolworths and Safeway have a catalog request form?

Well they do, this can be used to get a catalog sent to you everyweek. Or in the case that you don't have a sign on your mailbox, and you havn't got a catalog in weeks, then you can use the same form to inform Head Office that you havn't been getting one, and they will chase it up (plus you can add yourself to the mailing list if you are anal).

These forms can be obtained from the Customer Service Desk. Also while you are there, pick up the current weeks catalog (normally in stock on Monday and may not last till Tuesday.)

I would like to say that Coles has a similar form. You could ask at their Customer Service desk. But cause Coles cant do anything right, I highly doubt it. But try anyway. Couldn't hurt.